Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TWD-Cornmeal Shortbread Cookies

When April sent out the email with the April recipes, the name of these little cookies caught my attention. I don't know why but I'm glad they did. They were a snap to put together. I didn't roll them out in a sheet as the recipe suggests, instead I rolled them into a log and then cut them before baking. The sweet, lemony smell was divine. As I write this they are cooling upstairs. I'm not sure if I will get to tasting these tonight or if it will have to wait until tomorrow. With Easter I am a bit sugared out and as lovely as these smell, and I'm sure taste, I just don't have it in me to eat anything else sweet!

If you are interested in the full recipe, head on over to Valerie's blog.

Happy Baking!
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1 comment:

alvarosa said...

what is so great about shortbread is, that they are not completely sweet, but also have a bit of a savory touch - so i hope you finally did taste them and liked them as much as i did!